Geopolitics 2025


"An honest answer can get you into a lot of trouble....but trouble is exactly what we're looking for" - Anonymous

Course Requirements

 What you Really Need to Learn 

1/31 #1 Print, Read and Annotate. Bring to class. Choose ONE article from your  assigned section of the following site. Geopolitical Monitor




Energy Security




2/3 #2 Print, Read, Annotate : The Effects of Representations of Space


1. According to O'Toal, what is Space?

2. According to O'Toal, what is a Map?

3. Why might maps not be an accurate representation of Space?

4. Give your own example of each of the following ways that Space is represented


a. Cartographic  b. Political   c. Cartesian Perspectivalism   d. Optical      e. Transcendental       f. Biological


Peruse for Fun: Optional


12 Maps That Changed the World


Maps Your Textbook Won't Show You




Freaking Me Out




Geopolitical History and Theory



2/10 #4  Read, Print and Annotate: The End of Geopolitics? Part I: Modern Geopolitics and  Aristotle: The Politics, excerpts on State and Government



1. What is Geopolitics? 

2. What are the three elements/features of Modern Geopolitical theory presented in The End of Geopolitics......

3. In your own words, write the Grand Narrative that O'Toal argues is the essence of Modern Geopolitical thought. Make it clear and simple.

4. How does Aristotle define the State?

5. According to Aristotle, what is a Citizen?

6.List and describe the three forms of government and their perversions.

7.  What does he propose are the primary concerns/responsibilities of a government? 





2/11 #5 Print, Read and Annotate    In Defense of Classical Geopolitics and take a quick look at U.S. Military Bases.



Define:  Nation-State, Sovereignty

1. What is the Organic-State Theory?

2. Explain the Geo-Strategic ideas of Alfred Thayer Mahan and Sir Halford Mackinder

3. What is Geopolitik?

4. Explain the reasoning that Nicholas Speakman gives as to why the U.S. should project airpower across the globe.


Blinken 2023 World Order

Putin Speech 2022

Why We Fight: The Nazi's Strike

Mitt Romney: The Need for a Mighty U.S. Military

 2/24-25 #6 Geography: More than mere land: Human and Political Geography.

Area Studies:


 CIA World Factbook


A. Use the link above and construct a Bullet List of features about the country you were assigned in class. Do not cut and paste the info. Summarize it in your own words.


B. Use Aristotle's ideas about the Functions of States and Ratzel and Kjellen's ideas about the State as an Organism to assess  What is the Greatest Strength of the State you were assigned and the

Greatest Weakness.Consider Geography, Topography, Economy, Location, Resources, Technology, Social System, Culture and Education in your assessment.


1. Land area 2. Coastline 3. Population. 4. Population growth rate 5. Arable land  6. GDP (PPP), GDP per capita,  GDP growth rate, GDP Composition (Largest contributing sector by percentage to GDP) 7. Unemployment Rate 8. Exports 9. Imports 10. Export and Import Partners 11. Current Account Balance. 12.Form of Government  13.Electricity Consumption 14. Oil Consumption 15. Oil Production 16. Nuclear Power Production 17. Predominate religion 18. Literacy Rates (Male and Female) 19.Life Expectancy (Male and Female) 20. Internet Users (Whole number and percentage of population)  21. Urbanization Percentage 22. Reserves of Foreign Exchange  23. Public Debt (Percentage) 24. External debt  25.Co2 Emmisions 26 Electricity Consumption per Capita 27. Anything else you find interesting or of note.



3/3 7. Read:   The End of Geopolitics? Part II: Postmodern Geopolitics  and The New Geopolitics (Jeffrey Sachs)




1.  From your understanding of the readings, what is post-modernism?

2.  Outline and explain the elements of  Post-Modern Geopolitics.

3. In one sentence for each...Summarize the Five Geopolitical Theories Jeffrey Sachs outlines.

4. Are you Hegemonic...or Multilateral. Why?


Hegemony- Political or cultural dominance and authority of one social group or nation over others. over others.









3/12 #8 United States Geopolitical Strategy     Position Paper #1 (To be collected and graded)



Choose a Geopolitical Issue:

Examples….Panama Canal, Ukraine, Taiwan, Tik Tok, Greenland, Tariffs, Artificial Intelligence, Climate Change, Globalisation, NATO-Russia, China, Cryptocurrency, Gaza, Immigration/Migration, Energy Security, Drug Cartels….but feel free to choose your own.

1.    Analyze the issue through the lens of a Geopolitical Theory we have discussed. Is it a Classical issue? Post-Modern Issue? Both?


2.    Explain what the policy is toward your chosen issue. What is the goal of the policy? How is the policy informed or influenced by a particular Geopolitical Theory/Strategy


3.    Assess: In you assessment, is this an effective or proper approach towards achieving the goal? If so explain why this is the proper approach.  If not, how should the issue be addressed, what should the goal be,  and which political Theory/Strategy should be the basis for dealing with the issue?


Use specific references from the assigned readings and  from all of the homework to date. Three page maximum, typed and double spaced.


Priorities and Mission of the State Department

Geopolitical Risk Dashboard

America's New Foreign Policy

Caspian Report

The Future of Geopolitics


Compare if you Dare :

  National Security Strategy 2022   (Biden)    

 The National Security Strategy of the United States 2017 (Trump)

 The National Security Strategy of the United States 2010 (Obama)

The National Defense Strategy of the United States 2008

Blinken 2023 World Order





What is the stated Goal of the United States  National Security Strategy? What are the fundamental and enduring principles stated in the Strategy?  Based on your understanding of the field of geopolitics, what is the geopolitical tradition from which the National Security Strategy of the United States is derived? Is it informed by  modern (a.k.a. classical) geopolitics, post-modern geopolitics or some other geopolitical formula? Which ideas have influenced it most (i.e Ratzel, Kjellen, Mackinder, Mahan, Spykman, Haushofer, Kissenger, Rumsfeld, Brzezinski, Wolfowitz, Bush, Clinton, Cheney, Obama, Petraeus, Kaplan, Trump, Biden) Assess the Strategy based on your own vision for the future. Is it too strong, too weak, just right? Elaborate in your conclusion.


The Struggle for Control



 #8 Read and Annotate: Over Organization   and Propaganda:Bernays




1. What are the characteristics of  the  New Social Ethic that Huxley's describes in his essay Over Organization?

2. According to Huxley, how have Individuals been affected by technological advances in recent years?

3. How does the human "appetite for distractions" allow for an unforeseen type of manipulation?

4. Choose two of Bernays' propaganda methods and give an example of how they are used in any of the news or entertainment  media you consume.


5.Make a list of the following:

a. Television/Netflix/Amazon shows/youtube channels you watched on a regular basis as a young child...and now

b.  Video Games you play on a regular basis

c.  News Organizations/sites you receive news from on a regular basis.

d. Websites/Social Media you visit most frequently.

f. Podcasts you listen to on a regular basis.




 #9. Read and Annotate:   and    Propaganda Under a Dictatorship 



1. What attitude must the Dictator have toward human nature and politics if he is to succeed in gaining and maintaining control.

2. What is herd-poisoning? Why is it an effective means of power projection for the dictator? Can you give a current example of where herd poisoning occurs?




Whoever Controls the Narrative Controls the World (Caitlyn Johnson)


Der Feurers Face

Putin's Propaganda Machine

Caitlyn Johnson CIA/Media

Love Your Servitude



#10 Read and Annotate  Propaganda in a Democratic Society

1. What is his attitude toward mass communication?

2.What would Huxley think of the way our media works today?( i,e cable news, Twitter, Facebook,  History and English Curricula)

3. Is propaganda avoidable or is it inevitable that the individual must bow to the interest of the State and/or the Media.

4. According to Huxley what are the two types of propaganda in a Democratic Society? Does he think Propaganda is inherently bad?



How The Experts Somehow Overlooked

The Arts of Selling, Aldous Huxley

On the Individual

Propaganda and Engineering Consent for Empire

Military Ads


Climate I


T Mobile

Dear Apple

NikeCrazy I

Dream Crazier

 The Asian-Pacific Century:

  #11 Read The Geopolitics of China: A Great Power Enclosed


 1. What are China's three geopolitical Imperatives? For each of these imperatives explain how China is attempting to address it.

2. Choose an article from one of the following sources and write a brief summary review of the article. 

 China Daily   CGTN    Global Times  

# 12    China's Global Goals:  Read: China's Peaceful Development

Answer the following:

1. What aspects of Peaceful Development are addressed? Be specific.

2. What are the methods by which that development will occur? To whom do they apply?

3. Do you believe that the argument made  is persuasive and/or valid? Why/Why not?

4. In what ways does the message found in this document differ (if at all) from the message of Western powers towards "World Peace"?

Optional to Peruse:

China NAVY

China Infrastructure

Social Credit

China Russia

Mass Surveillance

How to Make Leaders

Who is Xi Jin Peng? (Economist)

The New Communist Manifesto

How the CCP Works (SCMP)

How the Chinese Communist Party Works

Social Credit

Hi Speed Rail

China Bahamas

China Overseas BuildUp

China Africa(Economist)

What is Socialism?

What is Capitalism?



The Geopolitical Implications of Human Consumption



  #12.  Read: The Long Descent  Chapter 1 The End of the Industrial Age  (pgs 1-34) 

1. What is Hubberts Curve? What does it predict?

2. What are the arguments made by the book "Limits to Growth". Explain the term Carrying Capacity. Do you find them to be valid?

3. Why has petroleum been so important in modern civilization? Be specific. Explain Net Energy.

4. Why does Greer argue that this is not a Problem but a Predicament? What is the difference?

5. Do you agree with the authors supposition that the Ancient Maya are a relevant example to what is happening in our civilization now? Explain.


 How We Use Oil

The MOST Important Video You'll Ever See (9min)


Barrel of Oil

Why are Fossil Fuels So Hard to Quit

End of Oil

Out of Oil


  Industrial Society and It's Future(full pdf)    Html version (full)





#13.  Read:  Power Process Excerpts for reading pages below




PG 10 Paragraphs 83-86






1. For each section  write a paragraph that explains your reaction to it. Do you agree, disagree? Give some sort of example or evidence to support or refute the content of the chosen paragraphs. This evidence could be a factoid, a reference to a book or an article you have read, a news program you have seen, an example from your study of science or history,  a personal experience.....



The Future of Work

Future of Communication Alan Watts)

Yuval HAriri

Harari II (27:00)




#14 How are the World's Largest Petroleum Companies Operating in the 21st Century?


Geological Exploration

Reserves/Countries of Operation

New Technologies

Community and Charitable Outreach

Government Subsidies


Employment...What types of Jobs are available at the company? Where are these jobs located? What skills are required?



Exxon Mobil


Petro China


Royal Dutch Shell

Conoco Philips



 #20   Read: Anarcho-primitivism: Encyclopedia II


1. What is the main belief of the Anarcho-Primitivist?

2. What are the mechanisms of Domestication?

3. What is their attitude toward technology? Why?

4. Some have called Anarcho-Primitivist ideology Apocalyptic. Do you agree or disagree. Explain.



#21 Divided Reading: National Security and the Threat of Climate Change   The Encyclical (Pope and Climate Change)


 Everyone Reads pgs. 13-18 and 41-43

Group One: read and outline  pgs. 20-23

Group Two: read and outline pgs.24-27

Group Three: read and outline pgs. 29-31

Group Four: read and outline pgs. 31-35

Group Five:  read and outline  pgs. 36-41



#22 Alternatives  to Consider


Welcome to the Third Industrial Revolution

The Third Industrial Revolution

Jeremy Rifkin at the HuffingtonPost

Capitalism Cannot Save Us From Climate Change


Optional :

 The Hunt For Black Gold (cnbc)   

 The Earth is Full  

Abundance is our Future

 The Real Cost of Climate Change

Hans Rosling: Development



#23 Group Project


It may be  valuable to consider the distinction between "citizen" and - "consumers."  We humans  are referred to collectively as "the consumer".  Have our identities  been diminished to entities whose primary role is compulsive consumption of unneeded goods? What are the ecological, political, and cultural impacts of this shift in virtue? -


.....a related yet separate topic. Reflect on the question: what would it take to upgrade ourselves to CITIZENS again?



Create a Slogan, a jingle and a brochure for a  product that fits into  the concept of a Consumer Cultural  Revolution for Sustainability.


What is the Product?

What are its benefits?

What does it Cost?

How is it Delivered?

Why should people buy it?

* Provide a  Slogan, a jingle and a brochure



Technology Review (MIT)

Science Daily

Popular Mechanics

Discover Magazine

Energy Information Administration


 Federal Energy Tax Incentives

World Economic Forum Agenda Presentation

Give a brief description of the Agenda  topic and give examples of 3 Products/Technologies (currently in existence or under development) that will aid in it's implementation.

A good place to start your research: WEF Agenda Articles

1.  Give a brief description of the Agenda  topic and give describe 3 Products that will aid in it's implementation. Include references to companies that make or manage these products.

2. Who are the intended beneficiaries of the system/technology?

3. Who will profit most?

4. Six probable Consequences. Three Pro/Three Con

5.  What Political and Economic system (existing or to be invented) will best be able to deliver and manage these new Technologies? Why?

#25 CGTN: Opinions

Choose one of the articles. Write a summary of the opinion AND the issue. Be prepared to present the issue and opinion to the class


South West Asia


#27 Read and outline A Concise History of Islam and the Arabs.  Pay particular attention to the terms listed below : (This will be collected!)





Abu Bakr





Battle of Karbala





Sykes Picot Agreement

Balfour Declaration

Pan Arabism



Muslim Brotherhood


Sunni-Shia Split



 The Middle East's Durable Map

Saudi Arabia: A Brief History

Saudi Arabia:: How Charity Begins

House of Saud re-embraces Totalitarianism

#29 IRAN


How Iran became an Undemocratic Democracy

Iran: History and Culture (from Lonely Planet Guides)

Iranians ignore Sanction Pinch

An Oil Strategy In Case Iran Shuts down the Strait of Hormuz

Hormuz: Danger Waters

Oil, geopolitics and war with Iran

How Iran will fight back 


#30 You Can't Understand ISIS if You Don't Know the History of Wahhabism in Saudi Arabia Pt 1  Alistar Crooke

Middle East Time Bomb: The Real Aim of ISIS Is to Replace the Saud Family as the New Emirs of Arabia  Alistar Crooke


What is Wahabbism?

What has been it's goal in the Islamic World?

What had Saudi Arabia's role been in the development of Wahabbist Ideology?

What is the relationship of ISIS to Wahabbism?


Bulldozing the Border

The Doomsday Ideology

Saudi Time Bomb



Rebuilding the Asylum System George Soros


In Class: Trafficking(Vid)

Top Ten Countries for Trafficking


Choose two of the following Articles and write brief summary of the main theme. Be prepared to present in class.

Congress Just Legalized Sex Censorship: What to Know

The Next Big Battle over Internet Freedom is Here

Internet Censorship Bill would Spell Disaster for Speech and Innovation

From Abortion to Sex Work: Why the State shoudn't Control Bodies

2:53.00-3:38.00 Senator Ron Wyden on Sesta

Craigslist Shuts Down Personals Section

Why Internet Advocates are Against the Sex Trafficking Bill

Are Lawmakers Trying to Kick the Sex Trade Offline?

The Internet Made Sex Work Safer...Now Congress has Forced it Back into the Shadows


Group Project Guidelines

Each group will delegate a part of the topic to research to group members. During daily debriefing each group will share their research. Daily consultation with Mr. Badgley to help construct a coherent presentation for each group that will be given to the entire class. Bring in articlles and detailed statistics in summary form that relate to your topic.


Group 1: Human Trafficking

Define the types of Trafficking

Global Statistics

Three Geographic Examples

Proposed Solutions

Select one Current Policy and explain its efficacy


Group 2: Human Rights

What are Natural Rights?

What are Property Rights?

How do the rights of  Reproduction and Production relate to the above types of Rights


Group 3: Freedom of Expression

Social Media: Who is responsible and liable for Content? Corporation or Consumer

How does the government regulate expression?

Section 230 of the Communications and Decency Act of 1996: Describe and Explain how it relates to Expression and Trafficking


Group 4: Media and Journalism

How do Voices get heard?

Who decides what the "masses" hear? Editorial Process: Skype with Wash Post Journalist Craig Timberg

Womens March

International Whore Day


Is Russian Collusion more or less important than "grass roots" movements and those advocating for social change?


Group 5: Sesta/Fosta

What is the intent of the Law?

How might it change the way that social media and the internet has functioned? For the better or worse?

Is the law fair? Unfair? Necessary?

Will it be effective?

How will it effect the most?




\/\The Conscience of a Hacker/\/


      +++The Mentor+++

         Written on January 8, 1986

        Another one got caught today, it's all over the papers.  "Teenager
Arrested in Computer Crime Scandal", "Hacker Arrested after Bank Tampering"...
        Damn kids.  They're all alike.

        But did you, in your three-piece psychology and 1950's technobrain,
ever take a look behind the eyes of the hacker?  Did you ever wonder what
made him tick, what forces shaped him, what may have molded him?
        I am a hacker, enter my world...
        Mine is a world that begins with school... I'm smarter than most of
the other kids, this crap they teach us bores me...
        Damn underachiever.  They're all alike.

        I'm in junior high or high school.  I've listened to teachers explain
for the fifteenth time how to reduce a fraction.  I understand it.  "No, Ms.
Smith, I didn't show my work.  I did it in my head..."
        Damn kid.  Probably copied it.  They're all alike.

        I made a discovery today.  I found a computer.  Wait a second, this is
cool.  It does what I want it to.  If it makes a mistake, it's because I
screwed it up.  Not because it doesn't like me...
                Or feels threatened by me...
                Or thinks I'm a smart ass...
                Or doesn't like teaching and shouldn't be here...
        Damn kid.  All he does is play games.  They're all alike.

        And then it happened... a door opened to a world... rushing through
the phone line like heroin through an addict's veins, an electronic pulse is
sent out, a refuge from the day-to-day incompetencies is sought... a board is
        "This is it... this is where I belong..."
        I know everyone here... even if I've never met them, never talked to
them, may never hear from them again... I know you all...
        Damn kid.  Tying up the phone line again.  They're all alike...

        You bet your ass we're all alike... we've been spoon-fed baby food at
school when we hungered for steak... the bits of meat that you did let slip
through were pre-chewed and tasteless.  We've been dominated by sadists, or
ignored by the apathetic.  The few that had something to teach found us will-
ing pupils, but those few are like drops of water in the desert.

        This is our world now... the world of the electron and the switch, the
beauty of the baud.  We make use of a service already existing without paying
for what could be dirt-cheap if it wasn't run by profiteering gluttons, and
you call us criminals.  We explore... and you call us criminals.  We seek
after knowledge... and you call us criminals.  We exist without skin color,
without nationality, without religious bias... and you call us criminals.
You build atomic bombs, you wage wars, you murder, cheat, and lie to us
and try to make us believe it's for our own good, yet we're the criminals.

        Yes, I am a criminal.  My crime is that of curiosity.  My crime is
that of judging people by what they say and think, not what they look like.
My crime is that of outsmarting you, something that you will never forgive me

        I am a hacker, and this is my manifesto.  You may stop this individual,
but you can't stop us all... after all, we're all alike.

                               +++The Mentor+++






Don't Panic


The Population Bomb?


 Read:        Sex and Prosperity


 1. According to the article above, what are three obstacles to population control

2. What are the ways in which those obstacles can  be overcome?



The Only Way to Stop Population Growth 

Converging World

200 Countries, 200 Years

7 Billion



#18 Urbanization:   


 Time and Google: Time Lapse Climate and Development

Urbanization:    Best Practices presentations

Be prepared to tell us the best practices associated with your urbanization category.

The Greatest Migration



Below is a list of possible resources.

 Dhaka: Fastest Growing Mega-City

Future MegaProjects

How do we Build the Cities of Tomorrow?

 Jakarta: Bursting at the Seams (video)

 Going Green in Abu Dhabi

Cities May Sprout Vertical Farms

Dynamic Architecture in Dubai

City Mayors

Tianjin: The Future of Cities?


Cities That Are Running out of Water

Future Timeline

Cool City Maps (REALLY!)


Space Report:

Find a company that is innovating for the space race. Report on the product (products) and how they will be used. This could range from Rockets, to Ships, to spaceports, to robotics, terraforming, mining, housing, energy, electronics.

Be prepared to show us images or video of the product and to answer questions regarding the economic prospects of the company. Below is an article that could get you started but I encourage you to find your own companies.


A New Cold War

6 Private Companies

Spaceflight Companies look to R&D

Larger List!!


VI. Outer Space


Shooting For the Moon

Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of Statesin the Exploration and Use of Outer Space,including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies

Space Law: FAQ (United NAtions: Scroll down for brief explanations)

Colonization of Space (NASA)

Space and Helium 3


Space Fence

Star Wars: Lawmaker Touts Soldiers in Space

Air Force War Game Highlights Space Deterrent

Lack Of Space Assets Limits Chinese Military

 Space reports:

Write a brief report on your assigned area. Include current and future projects. Assess cooperation with other agencies and/or states. Also include the overall policy goals (as best you can).




United States




Private Enterprise


Search the Resources our  main page for info, also, the following  may get some of you started:       

 EIACountry Analysis Briefs The Strategic Space of International Transportation,


United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs



CSNA (China Space Agency)

European Space Agency

Virgin Galactic

 VII. Geopolitics of the Future

Future Timeline

Unmanned drone attacks and shape-shifting robots: War's remote-control future

WATCH: Halfway Human

WATCH:   "The New City" and  Future States (PBS)    and  The Most Peaceful World Ever


  Read:The Fifth Horseman of the Apocalypse

 The Next 100 Years  George Friedman

Watch: Fighting in the Fifth Dimension

Answer:  One Page: With which of these predictions do you agree. Explain. Which do you find fanciful. Explain

 Turkey Takes over the Arab Spring

Turkey and Egypt seeking Alliance

The Next 100 Years

Future Shock: Welcome to the New Middle Ages

The Next Decade

Read: The Art of Selling

Toxic Colonialism

Global Forecast


Scenarios: The Future of the Nation-State

The Future of the Nation-State 

 Civil Society and the Future of the Nation-State

 The Asian World Order?

Answer: Which of the Four Global Futures do you deem most likely? Explain why you believe this to  be so.

Read:  Four Alternative Global Futures

Millenium 3000 Scenarios  (Excerpts from the State of the Future at the Millennium)

 Possible Geopolitical Futures

Conspiracy Investigation.

Information Clearing House (News you won't find on CNN)

Democratic Underground

Hate groups-Conspiracy theories

Masonic Conspiracies

The News Underground

American Freedom News

Cloak and Dagger

The TWA Flight 800 investigation

 The Conspiratorium-Excellent New Material

How Clinton And Company And The Bankers Plundered Russia In The '90s [Free Republic]

 An Inconvenient History - The Russian Money Laundering Pyramid [Free Republic]

 Bilderberg - Shadow World Government? The Power Elite - Undermining democracy and other bits of my research

  The Truth about the Seattle riots--NEW

 ParaScope: Something Strange is Happening!

  Dr. Jose Delgado, Member of the Consortium, Mind Control and Hallucinogens

 The Bill Clinton Page

Bush Watch --NEW!

 EPIC -- Former Secrets -- Documents Released Under the FOIA




The Power of the Powerless (excerpted)

Full Text


What's Wrong With This Picture ,      The National Entertainment State      Media Ownership  The Death of Journalism


Choose one of the Media Companies below and answer the following:


a. What is the global reach of the company? How many countries do they broadcast to?

b. How diversified is media is the company i.e...... How many different types of media do they own?

c. What are some of the brands that the company markets?

d. How many people does the sum of the media's holdings reach?


CBS Corporation

 NBC Universal Comcast



News Corporation

The Walt Disney Company

The Top 200 Global Corporations: The Rise of Corporate Global Power  and  Business Doesn't Rule

1. In your assessment why would Sarah Anderson feel threatened by Corporate Power?  

2. Explain two reasons why Philippe Legrain doesn't believe that corporations pose a significant threat to life as we know it.

 3.  Read: WORLD: Corporate Balancing Act (Financial Times);     Corporate Leadership for the 21st Century: Sustainability Experience Required  What questions does the article from the Financial Times raise about corporate power? To what extent do corporations bear responsibility for social problems? What responsibilities do you think corporations should  have toward a society that government does not? Is it fair to blame corporations for poverty, disease, and environmental pollution? If so why? If not, who is to blame?


 Corporate Reports: 

Source: Company Profiles

Complete a report on the company that you were assigned in class. Answer the questions below as best as possible. Use the resources provided as well as your own searches. Answer each question with a separate paragraph heading. (See example)


What is the name of the company?

How old is the company?

What is the "home" country of the company?

What is the main business of the company? (What does the company sell)

What are the totals in Revenue, Assets, and Profits of the company?

How many people does the company employ?

In what countries does the company do business?

To what degree is the company involved in Philanthropy?

What is the company's status with regard to  human rights and the environment?

Include any items of interest and items worthy of mention.

Resources: *Be sure to visit your company's website! (There are links through the site) Company Profiles

Corporate Philanthropy

 Politics of China's Rise:


China's Peaceful Development

 Read: Where the Yangtze Meets the Congo

China's New Leaders Ban Red Carpets

South China Sea Maps

Surf the  China Daily  Here

Video: China The New Superpower

China Shapes the World (Choose one Article and write a brief review)

I.  Economic Explosion

   Read: The Next Big Future: Infrastructure

   China's Orbit  

                China or the U.S.

                Chimerica: A Marriage on the Rocks?


1. How does China's economic development compare to the economic development of European and American powers? Is there anything China lacks? Is there anything they do better?

2. How is China using economic policies to maintain and increase stability?

3. What is Chimerica? Do you see this as a positive or negative arrangement?

 China and the United States

In Bali for summitry,

 Obama announces trade deals

Hypersonic Bomb

It might not be Asia's Century After all

America's Fate?

Geography and Politics: Perspective and Power

MAP SKILLS: Central and Southwest Asia

On the blank map provided through the link above,  Color in and label: Countries,  Leaders,  Capitals, Oil Reserves, Rivers of Significance, Straits, Canals, Oceans, Gulfs, Bays, Hydroelectric Dams, Population and anything else you deem geographically significant.






#9 What is Globalization?


Stakeholder Capitalism is Fascism




 Thomas Friedman: A Manifesto For The Fast World 

Dont Just Do Something. Sit There (Friedman)

Globalization I

Globalization II

Pax Sinica



Watch: New World Order      New World Order II   


Trump vs. HillaryIs Nationalism vs. Globalism 2016 

Obama on Globalization

Course Correction

Nigel Farage

The Trump Doctrine: Crosstalk RT

Globalism is Demonic

Nigel Farage on Globalism

Citizen of the World




Watch: Obama Speech to UN Sept 25, 2013

            Obama Speech to the UN. Sept 25, 2012  

            One World is Enough: The Police 1981

Listen: Ghost in the MachineAffairs??



#11 What is the new narrative?  Who is the United States?  What should we be?  Whoever Controls the Narrative Controls the World


1. What are the values we should seek to advance? Should those efforts be limited to within the borders of the United States?

2. What should we seek to achieve, even if not supported by other countries.

3. What should we seek to prevent, no matter how it happens, and even if alone?

4. What should we not engage in even if urged by multilateral groups or an alliance?


The Struggle for Control


 #13 Read:  Propaganda Under a Dictatorship 


1. What attitude must the Dictator have toward human nature and politics if he is to succeed in gaining and maintaining control.

2. What is herd-poisoning? Why is it an effective means of power projection for the dictator? Can you give a current example of where herd poisoning occurs?



The Arts of Selling, Aldous Huxley

On the Individual


Der Feurers Face

Putin's Propaganda Machine


Propaganda and Engineering Consent for Empire


 #14  Read: Over Organization  



1. What are the characteristics of  the  New Social Ethic that Huxley's describes in his essay Over Organization?

2. According to Huxley, how have Individuals been affected by technological advances in recent years?

3. Make a list of the following:

a. Television shows you watched on a regular basis as a young child...

b.  Video Games you play on a regular basis

c.  News Organizations you receive news from on a regular basis.

d. Websites/Social Media you visit most frequently.


4.  How does the human "appetite for distractions" allow for an unforeseen type of manipulation?


Optional  Readings:


The Arts of Selling, Aldous Huxley

Hooked on Growth

The Psychology of Power

Propaganda in a Democratic Society

Social Engineers

Selfish Ledger

Twitter Herd

#12  In Class:  Frontline Documentary: The Persuaders      



Advertisement Analysis:  Choose two advertisements: One political and one commercial.   ( TV, Internet, Embedded, Print....your choice.) Bring the ad to class.


1. What is the target market? i.e  Adults, Children, Male, Female, Ethnicity, Socio/Economic class.....

2. To what extent does the ad seek to create Loyalty Beyond Reason? If so, how does it do this.

3. Is there a coded message? To what extent does the ad appeal to  unconscious/ reptilian/ non-rational passions?

4. Read: What They Know


Optional  Readings:

 Academic Dream Team Helped Obama's Efforts

The Arts of Selling, Aldous Huxley
Advertising Code of Ethics: American Marketing Association.

The Vatican's statement on advertising.

 Apple is Obviously a Cult





Geography Strikes Back (Robert Kaplan)

1.   Write one paragraph that explains the extent to which you agree or disagree with  Kaplan's essay.

Video: Revenge of Geography

The Geopolitical Implications of Human Consumption



 #15.  Read: The Long Descent  Chapter 1 The End of the Industrial Age  (pgs 1-34) 

1. What is Hubberts Curve? What does it predict?

2. What are the arguments made by the book "Limits to Growth". Do you find them to be valid?

3. Why has petroleum been so important in modern civilization? Be specific. Explain the reasons why it will be so difficult to replace petroleum.

4. Do you agree with the authors supposition that the Ancient Maya are a relevant example to what is happening in our civilization now? Explain.

5. What is your Carbon Footprint? Calculate yours using one of the following sites.

Try: Cool Climate Footprint Calculator

Watch:  The MOST Important Video You'll Ever See (9min)


Geo Engineering


Eco Modernist Manifesto

Living Laboratory Dubai

Area Studies: CIA World Factbook



1. Use the links above and construct a bullet list of features about the country you choose.  Be prepared to locate on a world map. Include the following information:

1. Land area 2. Coastline 3. Population. 4. Population growth rate and Life Expectancy 5. Arable land  6. Agriculture products 7. GDP,  and GDP growth rate 8. Exports 9. Imports 10. Export/ Import Partners 11. Current Account Balance and Debt. 12.Form of Government  13. Electricity Consumption and Production 14. Oil Consumption and Production 15. Natural Gas Consumption and Production 16. Primary language 17. Environmental concerns 18. Climate 19. Predominate religion 20. Literacy Rates 21. Internet Users  22. Neighbors of Note  23. Urbanization 23. Anything else you find interesting or of note.



2. On a scale of 1-10, ten being the best, rate your state on its success in meeting the criteria that Aristotle proposes  as it pertains to Statehood. Comprehensive National Power Framework

Globalization I

Free Trade or Protectionism?


Watch: New World Order     


Watch: Citizen of the World


What is the new narrative?  Who is the United States?  What should we be? 


1. What are the values we should seek to advance? Should those efforts be limited to within the borders of the United States?

2. What should we seek to achieve, even if not supported by other countries.

3. What should we seek to prevent, no matter how it happens, and even if alone?

4. What should we not engage in even if urged by multilateral groups or an alliance?


#12  In Class:  Frontline Documentary: The Persuaders      


Advertisement Analysis:  Choose two advertisements: One political and one commercial.   ( TV, Internet, Embedded, Print....your choice.) Bring the ad to class.


1. What is the target market? i.e  Adults, Children, Male, Female, Ethnicity, Socio/Economic class.....

2. To what extent does the ad seek to create Loyalty Beyond Reason? If so, how does it do this.

3. Is there a coded message? To what extent does the ad appeal to  unconscious/ reptilian/ non-rational passions?

4. Read: What They Know


Optional  Readings:

 Academic Dream Team Helped Obama's Efforts

The Arts of Selling, Aldous Huxley
Advertising Code of Ethics: American Marketing Association.

The Vatican's statement on advertising.

 Apple is Obviously a Cult


Read the  articles below.

Answer: What do they tell us about the nexus between Politics (the struggle for power), Geography, Climate, and History?

Open Borders must be Part of any Response to the Climate Change Crisis

China's Arctic Strategy

Why Does Donald Trump Want to Buy Greenland?

Huh? What Gives?


 #13  What is the Green New Deal?       Read:  Green New Deal HR 109


Read House Resolution 109 (see link above)

1. Is it compatible with a Capitalist Economy as you understand it? If so how? If not why? Give specific reference to the document in your response.

2. One of the most common critiques of the Green New Deal is that it proposes a whole host of programs that have nothing to do with Climate Change. From your reading of the document, do you agree or disagree with those assessments? Give specific reference to passages within the document.

 3. Would the adoption of a Green New Deal change the relationship between Citizens and the Federal Government. Why? Why not?

 4. Which singular aspect of the Resolution gives you most pause, and which singular aspect gives you the most hope.

Great Reset Vid

What is Great Reset

Great Reset: Understanding


A Message from the Future

Text of House Resolution  109

AOC on Green New Deal

Infrastructure Bill 2021

Understanding the Infrastructure Bills

Geo Engineering


 #11. How are the World's Largest Petroleum Companies Operating in the 21st Century?


For the Company that you were assigned in class, report on the following aspects of the company's operations.


Geological Exploration: What is the status of their current hunt for oil resources?


Reserves/Countries of Operation: How much oil do they control in reserve and where does the company have extraction operations?


New Technologies and or Energy Sources: To what extent is the company investing in New forms of Energy and/or sustainability practices?


Government Subsidies: How much of their operational costs are subsidized by Government Programs?


Community and Charitable Outreach: What percentage of their revenue is dedicated to community outreach or charitable giving?


Conflicts: Is the company involved in any violent conflicts, revolts or lawsuits?


Employment...What types of Jobs are available at the company? Where are these jobs located? What skills are required?





Worlds Biggest City...Why?


Africa Rails

Closing the Gap

Geo Economics of Djibouti

Inside China's Future Factory

Facts Rwanda

Pence and Xi Faceoff

How China is Changing the Internet

CBC  Export of Social Credit

Is China Becoming a Black Mirror Episode

Sesame Credit

Why China is Building Islands

PBS Belt and Road sept 2019

Trillion Dollar Plan

 China's Peaceful Development

China to Nurture 7 Strategic Industries in 2011-2015

Alibaba Group

America's Pacific Century

Social Credit Punishment

Journalist Banned

Our Tech Nightmare (Skinner Box)

Xi Jin Peng Thought Explained: New Ideology for a New Era

China 2020 Paper Tiger


China Megacities

Megacities Future

Connectivity and Canals

Why China is Building Islands

70 Years


The China Africa Project

China's Naval Strategy and Shipping Routes

China in Africa

How to Make Leaders

China's English Language Propaganda

The Song of the 13th Five Year Plan

When China Met Carolina

Britain Meets China

China's Geographic Challenge

Will China Colonize North Korea?

Alibaba and Jack Ma

The Alibaba Story (Bloomberg)


Russia's Geographic Problem

China's Geography Problem

Africa is Becoming China's China

Belt and Road Initiative

So Many Secrets in the East China Sea

Sesame Credit

High Speed


China's Future Megaprojects

How China Builds Railroad Tunnel

Belt and Road VOX

China Rise: China or Bust

Turning Obedience Into a Game

Chasing the Chinese Dream

China's Silky Road to Glory

China's Belt and Road

One Belt One Road Initiative

When We tamed Fire

When Humans were Prey

Mackinder and the Heartland

Spykman Rimland Theory

China's Trillion Dollar Plan



Nike Crazy II