AP World History Homework                          AP EXAM: Wednesday May 20 11:30 AM


Human Need Not Apply







Cultural Imperialism

Guidelines and Requirements



AP World History Scoring Guidelines from the College Board  (scroll down and click on Scoring Guidelines)



4/24 Weekly Review: Read, then outline or highlight  Barrons Chapter 2. I will give a test on the material in the Chapter on Friday


5/1 Weekly Review: Read, then outline or highlight  Barrons Chapter 3. I will give a test on the material in the Chapter on Friday


5/8  Read, then outline or highlight  Barrons Chapter 4. I will give a test on the material in the Chapter on Friday


5/15 Read, then outline or highlight  Barrons Chapter 4. I will give a test on the material in the Chapter on Friday


6/1 Click Link, Print, Bring to Class   Over Organization



6/8  Read: The Long Descent  Chapter 1 The End of the Industrial Age  (pgs 1-34) 

1. What is Hubberts Curve? What does it predict?

2. What are the arguments made by the book "Limits to Growth". Do you find them to be valid?

3. Why has petroleum been so important in modern civilization? Be specific. Explain the reasons why it will be so difficult to replace petroleum.

4. Do you agree with the authors supposition that the Ancient Maya are a relevant example to what is happening in our civilization now? Explain.

5. What is your Carbon Footprint? Calculate yours using one of the following sites.

Simple  BP Carbon Footprint Calculator

Detailed   Personal Emissions Calculator (US Dept. of Environmental Protection)





5/11  Population, Migration and Development       Read: Earth and Peoples 926-935      Read:  Displaced Again and Again   Read: Limits to Growth   ( Warning Pessimistic, Depressing, and Scientific)



1. What are the contributing factors that seem to have proven proven Thomas Malthus to be incorrect in his predications about population growth?

2. Speculate with a paragraph: How might Demographic transition from Rural to Urban living transform political structures?

3. List three ways that an population growth rates in developing countries might change global political balances.

4. What are the limits to growth that human civilization faces?


Abundance is our Future

The Best Stats you've ever seen




CIA and Data Collection  and   Google Glass: What You Should Know and Google Glass Orwellian Futures? and Point/Counterpoint: Cool or Just Weird (vid)



  I used Google Glass

 ADmented Reality with Google Glass(Parody)


1. Given  above articles....To what extent do you believe Google Glass might effect the principles of a democratic capitalist world system? Is this technology most  likely to support the principles or erode them?




5/4 Perestroika, Glasnost, Reagan  and Gorbachev


1. Watch: Ronald Reagan "Tear Down this Wall"   and  Fall of the Berlin Wall  How would you describe the tone of Reagan's Speech? What are the practical and Ideological  reasons he wants the wall torn down? How would you describe the people shown as the wall and the barriers come down?

2. Watch each of the short video clips regarding  Perestroika and Glasnost. Read the sections at this webpage and define Perestroika and Glasnost for your notebooks.

3.What role did Mikhail Gorbachev play in the dissolution of the Soviet Union? Do you believe it was inevitable or did he have alternatives?


Putin's Way

A Man Like Putin

Putin Will not Back Down


Prime  Ministers Question March 25th




4/28 Read: China's Foreign Policies for Pursuing Peaceful Development


China has said it wants to build a Harmonious World. This is what is often referred to as the One World One Dream policy in Chinese foreign affairs.


1. Summarize how the Chinese Dream depicts the way the world should be Politically, Economically, Culturally, Security Wise, and Environmentally.

2. What does China list as its Core Interests?

3. What is your reaction to the Chinese Dream as laid out in this document?




The Chinese Dream

Xi Jinping Speaks

What Does the Chinese Dream Really Mean



 4/21-4/22   China Follows its Own Path  Read  Patterns of Interaction


Answer the Following:


1. Which was more successful, the Great Leap Forward or the First Five Year Plan? Why?

2. Why did the Cultural Revolution begin? Can it really be accurately described as a Revolution? What were are the long term effects of such a policy?

3. What were the Four Modernizations?

4. Did Deng Xiaopeng do the right thing regarding the Protests in Tiananmen Square? Explain your answer

5. Judging from what you have read, do you believe that Hong Kong will keep its freedoms under Chinese rule? think about the last 60 years of Chinese history to help you explain your answer.


John Oliver Tiananmen

Hong Kong Vigil

Tiananmen Square Protests




Presenters CIA World Factbook


 Use the link above and construct a list of features about the country you were assigned in class. Do not cut and paste the info. Summarize it in your own words. Include the following information:


 Land area;  Population. ; Population growth rate;Arable land; Agriculture products;  GDP; GDP per capita; and GDP growth rate; Exports;  Imports;  Current Account Balance;

 Form of Government; Electricity Consumption; Oil Consumption;  Natural resources; Primary language;  Environmental concerns; Predominate religion; Literacy Rates; Life Expectancty; Airports, Shipping Ports, Railroads, Highways, Internet Users, Anything else you find interesting or of note.

  Railroads, Highways, Internet Users, Anything else you find interesting or of note.


4/15     Read  Earth and People 907-909 (Middle East) and 919-922 (Islamic Revolutions) 



Identify: Shah Reza Pahlavi, Ayotollah Khomeini,  Ben Gurion, OPEC, PLO, Yasir Arafat


1. What reasons are given for the formation of an Israeli State on the  former British Mandate of Palestine?

2. What methods were used by Israel to secure it's current territory?

3. What effect did OPEC have on Global Politics and Economics

4. Why was the United States supporting the Shah of Iran?

5. In what ways  did Iran change  after the Islamic Revolution ?

6. What role did Saddam Hussein play in the 1980's vis-a-vis Iran?



Read Clarifications:  Iran's Islamic Revolution

Nov. 29, 1947

The Real Story of How Israel Was Created


Israel and Palestine Explained

Israel Crash Course

Israels Next War

Iran Crash Course

Iran 20th Century History

Parts Unknown: Iran

Parts Unknown: Jerusalem



4/17  Barrons: Review Unit One


1. Read the Unit Overview (5th Edition) called "Unit Shortcuts" in the 6th Edition.

2. Do a brief outline for one of the sample essay questions found at the end of the unit (5th edition)....they are called "questions for consideration" at the end of shortcuts section  in the 6th edition (your choice). Don't write the entire essay, just an outline.

3. Make a list of questions you might have about the Unit for class discussion/review





THE COLD WAR    Read E&P 886-896  and Containment


3/24-25    1. Identify: NATO. Warsaw Pact, United Nations. World Bank, IMF, Truman Doctrine,  Marshall Plan, Korean War, Vietnam War, Containment


3/24 2. Make one collage  that visually represents all aspects of the Cold War from 1945-1991. Bring it to class to share.



FYI Docs


Orwell on Nationalism

Iron Curtain

NATO Map Game

Propaganda over Pyongyang

Educating North Korea

North Korea Undercover



3/30 The United Nations



1. Watch:  History of the United Nations and United Nations Signatories GIF


2.  Old School Exercise..... Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Click on the link. Copy the entire Declaration of Human rights by hand onto clean sheets of loose leaf paper. I will collect them.



FYI: United Nations History and Functions



2/4 #1 Read Earth and People Preface pg xxiv


1. What is the challenge that the authors of this textbook set out to address?

2. What are the two themes of History that this textbook explicitly uses to meet the above challenge?

3. For each of the two themes give two examples from your study of World History thus far at Stuyvesant that illustrate the themes.





Chapter 29      




“What would happen if capital succeeded in smashing the Republic of Soviets? There would set in an era of the blackest reaction in all the capitalist and colonial countries, the working class and the oppressed peoples would be seized by the throat, the positions of international communism would be lost.” ~ J. V. STALIN, Speech at The Seventh Enlarged Plenum of the E.C.C.I. (December 1926).


2/5 Read  Earth and People 830-834    Bring to class:  Slacken the Tempo


1. In what ways did the Soviet Union change under Stalin? What were the Costs? What were the Rewards?

2. What is the difference between a Kulak and a Gulag?



Define Key Terms pg 855



Onward to the Shining Future




Economic Depression and The Rise of Fascism



2/6 #1  Read Earth and People 835-840    What is Fascism?


1.What was Smoot Hawley? What effect did it have on Global Trade?

2. Define Fascism.

3. What are the tools that fascists use to gain and maintain power?

4. Who was a more successful Fascist? Hitler or Mussolini? Why?


Der Feurers Face

Why We Fight: Rise of Fascism




 2/9 #2 Read: Propaganda Under a Dictatorship Aldous Huxley


1. What attitude must the Dictator have toward human nature and politics if he is to succeed in gaining and maintaining control.

2. What is herd-poisoning? Why is it an effective means of power projection for the dictator?

3. Do you find Huxley's observations in these articles to be accurate or is he overreacting? Explain your answer.


Optional: Over Organization




2/12 #3 Read: Propaganda in a Democratic Society Aldous Huxley


1. Make a list of the following:

    a. Television shows you watch on a regular basis.

    b. Video Games you play on a regular basis

    c. News Organizations you receive news from on a regular basis.

    d. Websites you visit most frequently.


2.  How does the human "appetite for distractions" allow for an unforeseen type of manipulation?


Consuming Kids

The Persuaders






 2/24 #4 Read  Earth and People  841-844


1. Describe the Japanese strategy in East Asia.

2. What do you believe was the biggest predicament that China faced in the 1920's and 1930's?



East Asia

China's Revolutions

The Pacific War



The Second World War


2/26 #5 Read  Earth and People  844-854


1. Identify the similarities between the causes of World War II in Europe and the causes of the War in Asia.

2. What advice would you give to world leaders that might help them avoid a third World War?



Why We Fight: The Nazi's Strike

German Declaration of War with the United States

WWII Crash Course

Okinawa (HBO)


Fog of War



#6 The Technological War: The Birth of Modern Technology


3/3 Read: The Science and Technology of World War II


Many of the technologies in the article are foundational to the technologies that we take for granted today. Choose one of the following areas, explain briefly how it came about during world war two and how it was used in the war. Then trace the technology forward to today and explain how it has changed both technologically and in the way it is used. If you want to be a real Stuyvesant Champion, project the technology into the future and predict how it might be used!


Nuclear Power



Jet Propulsion

Computer Science






3/11 INDEPENDENCE MOVEMENTS:  Read Earth and People pgs 858-866


1. Identify:  Indian National Congress, Bengal, All India Muslim League, Mohandas Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru, Muhammad Ali Jinnah


2. How did the the strategic philosophies of Gandhi, Nehru and Jinnah differ? How were they similiar? Who do you believe was most influential in India's achievement of Independence from Britain? Why?


3. Draw and label a timeline that that documents the origins  and narrative (story) that has led to the current state of India and Pakistan.




3/13 Sub-Saharan Africa Read Earth and Peoples pgs 866-870


1. In what way was the situation in Colonial Africa different from the situation in India? Were they similar at all? If so how? Give an example.


States of Independence


The New Scramble for Africa






3/18 The Transformation of South America: Read E&P pgs 870-878

1. Identify: Emiliano Zapata, Franciso Poncho Villa,  Lazaro Cardenas,  Juan Peron, Eva Peron

2. What did Haciendas and Mestizos have to do with the Mexican Revolution?

3. What is a Social Revolution?

4. Who were the Constitutionalists? What kind of Mexico did they fight for?


 Latin American Revolutions


Manifest Destino





Define each of the following terms and give a historical example for each:



Ethnic Conflict

Great Power Rivalry


Economic Depression


Which  was the foremost cause of WWII?


The Accidental Superpower