Badgley: Global Studies I 

Foundations of World History  (HGS41)

Course Guidelines and Requirements

Goal: To use history as a tool with which to build the future.

AttendanceYou must attend every class! If due to an emergency you are absent or late please notify me at

Grades: Every student begins with 0 points. Over the course of the term students will accumulate points and an average will be derived from the points earned vs. total possible points offered. Points can be earned through participation in class, quality of written work, formal essays, test and quiz scores, and a term project.

Homework:  Assignment questions and readings can be found at  A green due date will appear to the left of the homework number.   During the entire semester, five late assignments may be submitted without penalty. Beginning with the sixth, one point will be deducted from the final term average for each late and/or missing homework.

Quizzes: Periodic surprise quizzes will  be given. You may use your homework and class notes to complete these quizzes. (Each question= 1point)

Position Papers: There will be two persuasive essays assigned. Maximum two pages typed and double spaced. (100 points per essay)

Class Projects: A group project will be assigned and completed during the semester.(100 points).

Extra Credit: Extra credit is obtained by submitting superior assignments and by contributing to classroom activities and discussion. Any student who performs in such a manner may raise the final term average significantly.

Preparation: It is the responsibility of the students to be prepared for each and every class. This entails arriving on time with completed assignments and the following supplies:

A pen and a pencil

A notebook for class notes

A folder to keep homework assignments and your annotated readings at the ready for classroom use.


55% Assessments 

25% Homework/Preparedness

20% Classwork/Participation