Homework Assignments 




NYC DOE Discipline Code






Course Guidelines and Requirements


                                         Text Book  "Patterns"




1/9 #31 "There is no god but Allah and Mohammed is his Prophet..." "Patterns" 263-279


1. Identify: Allah, Kaaba, Khadijah, Mohammed, Hanifs, Hijrah, Koran, Mosque

2. Describe and identify each of the Five Pillars of Islam.

3. Explain how Islam was able to spread with incredible speed.

4. Who are the Ummayads? Who are the Abbassids? What was their dispute about? What was the result?

5.What do you consider to be the two most significant developments in the arts and sciences during the Golden Age of Islam?



#40  Charlemagne and the Carolingians "POP" 206-211  Einhard; Charles the Great

1. Identify: Merovingians; Charles Martel; Pepin the Short; Papal States; Carolingians; Treaty of Verdun

2. What characteristics do you think made Charlemagne a good ruler? How did he use these to rule the largest empire in Europe?

3. From what you have read what is the relationship between the Church and the ruling Frankish Kings? Do they help each other? Hurt each other? Was there separation between Church and State or cooperation?

For more info: Capitulary of Charlemagne Issued in the Year 802

#41 How was Medieval Society Arranged I. "POP" 214-219

1. Identify: feudalism, investiture, fief, vassal

2. How did the Church participate in the Feudal system?

3. Explain the demands that lords made of vassals. (wartime and peacetime).

4. How were manors able to be self sufficient? Why was this important in the Middle ages?

 #42 What was the role of the Church in the Middle Ages? "POP" 225-231: 241-245

1. Identify: Guild; Dominic; Francis of Assisi, Urban II; Saladin; Richard the Lionheart; Innocent III

2. How did townspeople become independent of the feudal system?

3. Explain the problems within the church and the reforms attempted. What were the major points of conflict between Pope Gregory VII and King Henry II?

4. What are the reasons for the Crusades? What were the outcomes of the Crusades?

#43 How was medieval society arranged II? "POP"  200-211: 233-236 and 239-241

1. Identify: Medieval; Christendom; Benedict; Gregory I, William the Conqueror; Holy Roman Empire

2. Explain the three roots of medieval culture? How did European civilization decline after the fall of Rome?

3. What was Chivalry? Describe the process which one went through in order to become a knight? What virtues would one need to become a knight? Would you have enjoyed this lifestyle? Explain.

Print out these questions and bring to class. The completed answers will be due next week after we finish viewing the film.


#44 Faith vs. Reason at the end of the Middle Ages "The Name of the Rose" "POP" 237-238


1. Identify: Thomas Aquinas; University

This movie was based on the book "The Name of the Rose" by Umberto Eco. It is set in a Monastery in the 1300's in an isolated part of Europe. There are several themes and historical events that are addressed in the movie; Monasticism, Heresy, Inquisition, Scholasticism, Faith, Reason, etc. As we watch the movie please answer the following questions.

1. Identify and Explain the role of the following characters:

a. Adsel

b. William of Baskerville

c. Yourgi

d. Bernardo Gui

2. Explain and give examples of how each of the following are addressed in the movie.

a. Superstition

b. Heresy

c. Censorship

3. Umberto Eco, the author of the book on which this movie is based is a man of letters and a respected professor at the University of Bologna. He has written many books on philosophy and is considered to be one of the foremost thinkers of our time.

a. Why do you think he chose to use a labyrinth as the setting for the movie?

b. Why do you think he made Yourgi Blind? Why was Yourgi so set on keeping the library and the books in it a secret?

4. Now the BIG QUESTION; At the end of the movie does Adsel make the right decision? What would you have done?


#30  America before Columbus  "Patterns"  235-249

Identify: Beringia, Olmec, Zapotec, Monte Alban Nazca, Chavin, Moche


MAP South America


Color/Shade the Countries  of South America.

 #40  Diverse Societies in Africa     "Patterns" 213-229


1. Identify: griot; savanna, sahel, nok, Bantu, Aksum


Mansa Musa


2. Africa Map     Geography


Color and label the countries of the African continent, include the islands off of the East coast.


Shade or Draw in the following physical features: Nile River, Lake Victoria, Niger River, Zambezi River, Sahara Desert, Kalihari Desert, Atlas Mountains


#41 Byzantium. Heir to Roma!! "PAT" 298-314;

1. Identify: icon, iconoclast, excommunicate, Hagia Sophia.  Ivan III,  Seljuks, Malik Shah

2. Explain the circumstances surrounding the split in Christianity? What were the results?

3. What role did Justinian play in the success or failure of Byzantine civilization? What were his lasting contributions? a the m

4. What circumstances led to Russian Independence from the Mongols?

For More info: Byzantine Mathematics Textbook (Image)

Paul of Aegina: Epitome: On the Fracture of the Thigh and Nose (medical text)

Paul the Silentiary: Descriptio S. Sophiae

Exam Review  H1G  

The Future is NOW?


This is Your Brain on Machines

Techno Sapiens

Homo Technologicus is here   


Genetic Engineering

Google Glass

Microchip Implants


LED Contact Lens

Microchip Implants

Deus Ex

The Coming Transhuman Era



Map: North America 


Countries and Capitals


 Weekly Map: Europe


Countries and Capitals: Label and color  the countries and capitals of Europe.

 #39  Diverse Societies in Africa

 "Patterns" 213-229


1. Identify: griot; savanna, sahel, nok, Bantu, Aksum


Mansa Musa


2. Africa Map




Color and label the countries of the African continent, include the islands off of the East coast.


Shade or Draw in the following physical features: Nile River, Lake Victoria, Niger River, Zambezi River, Sahara Desert, Kalihari Desert, Atlas Mountains


 #40 America before Columbus  "Patterns"  235-249

Identify: Beringia, Olmec, Zapotec, Monte Alban Nazca, Chavin, Moche


MAP South America


Color/Shade the Countries  of South America.


By 2100

#28 Map II Southeast Asia and the South Pacific


Color and label each of the countries on this map. Locate and write the capitals of each country.


Draw in The Mekong River, Yangtze (Chiang Jiang) River, Yellow (Huang He) River, Pearl (Xi) River, Irawaddy River

Label the Strait of Malacca, Taiwan Strait

Shade in the Great Victoria Desert and the Great Barrier Reef



9/6 #0   Read and Annotate  What you Really Need to Learn


1. Choose TWO of the "Things You Really Need to Learn" that you think will be most valuable to you and explain in 3 or 4 sentences WHY you believe they will be valuable to you.

2. Chose ONE of the "Things You Really Need to Learn" and explain why you believe it is LEAST Valuable than all of the other "Things You Really Need to Learn".



 9/9 #1 Physical Geography:


Using colored pencil for the different geographic features, locate all of the following and place on your map: (Here is the blank map link)


A. Continents:

Africa, Antarctica, Asia, Australia, Europe, North America, South America

B. Deserts:

Sahara, Gobi, Kalahari, Atacama, Mojave, Arabian

C. Oceans and Seas

Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, Caribbean, Mediterranean, Black Sea, Caspian Sea, Red Sea; South China Sea; Yellow Sea

D. Mountain Ranges

Himalaya, Andes, Rockies, Atlas, Caucasus, Alps; Atlas; Tian Shan

E. Rivers:

Nile, Amazon, Mississippi, Hwang He (Yellow), Yangtze, Ganges, Indus, Brahmaputra, Volga, Danube, Tigris, Euphrates, Rio Grande, Congo, Niger; Zambezi

F. Miscellaneous

Persian Gulf, Strait of Gibraltar, Cape Horn, Cape of Good Hope, Gulf of Mexico; Shat al Arab; Straits of Malacca;

G. Measures

Equator, Tropic of Cancer, Tropic of Capricorn, Arctic Circle, Antarctic Circle; Prime Meridian

 3. Using a dictionary, look up the following terms, then, rewrite the definition in your own words.

 9/10 #2 Geography: More than mere land: Human and Political Geography.

Area Studies: CIA World Factbook


 Use the link above and construct a Bullet List of features about the country you were assigned in class. Do not cut and paste the info. Summarize it in your own words.


1. Land area 2. Coastline 3. Population. 4. Population growth rate 5. Arable land  6. GDP (Official Exchange Rate), GDP per capita,  GDP growth rate, GDP Composition (Largest contributing sector by percentage to GDP) 7. Unemployment Rate 8. Exports 9. Imports 10. Export and Import Partners 11. Current Account Balance. 12.Form of Government  13.Electricity Consumption 14. Oil Consumption 15. Oil Production 16. Primary language 17. Predominate religion 18. Literacy Rates (Male and Female) 19.Life Expectancy (Male and Female) 20. Internet Users (Whole number and percentage of population)  21. Urbanization Percentage 22. Anything else you find interesting or of note.



9/12 #3 What is History? Introduction to the Study of History (Thomas Landry)

1. In your experience and from what you have learned thus far in your life: What is history? 

2 Explain in your own words the four theories of History that Landry describes. Which of these do you find most acceptable? Why?



 9/17 #4 The Creation of Earth and Humans.


 Print, Read, and Annotate: Mythology  and  The Beginning and the End/Creation of Man  




1. How might you explain similarities between various myths from different regions and cultures and ages throughout the world?

2. What is the difference between science and myth? Which is most powerful and why?

3. Ms. Farmer explains that in many myths something is destroyed in order for something else to be created. Is this possible? Why? Why not?

4. Why might myth be considered essential to the development of the human species? What does it offer us?


Optional: What is Myth

George Lucas on Mythology



9/18 #5.  How did early humans develop and survive? "Patterns" 5-11, The Coming of Fire(read carefully!),  The Human Hand

l. Define: Paleolithic; Neolithic and  hominid

2. Give three reasons why  fire is such an important element to the lives of humans?

3. Explain the differences between homo habilis, and homo erectus and homo sapiens.

4. What is cave art? Why do you think early humans practiced it?

5. Which advance by a hominid group was the most important for the survival and advancement of humans? Explain your answer.




 How Man Began 

 Differences between humans and animals 

Transhuman Evolution


9/23 #6 What factors contributed to the development of early civilization? The Edge of History  and "Patterns of Interaction" pgs. 14-23

1. Define: Domestication; Neolithic Revolution, barter, ziggurat

2. Describe the  factors that played a role in the beginnings of agriculture.

3.What are the key characteristics of civilization.



 9/25 #7 Civilization is what?  Read: The Worst Mistake in the History of the Human Race by Jared Diamond (abridged)  


1. List five reasons why the author says that humans are worse of as farmers than as hunter-gatherers.

2. Why does Jared Diamond say that humans were trapped into the idea that agriculture is better than hunting-gathering?

3. Explain whether you agree or disagree with this article. Give at least two reasons to support your answer.


  9/27 #8  What effect did law and religion have on early civilization? Patterns 29-43, Watch: Hammurabi  Look: The Code


1. Define: Mesopotamia; Polytheism, City-States, Fertile Crescent, empire, dynasty,

2.  Are there any of Hammurabi's laws you feel are superior to our modern equivalent laws? Why?

3. Browse: NYC DOE Discipline Code


9/30 #9  Egypt: From Greatness to Immortality. "POP" 52-69

1.Gift of the Nile; pharaoh; Hatshepsut; maat; Akhenaton, Theocracy

2. In your assessment, what were the two most important achievements of Egyptian civilization? Explain why you think so.




 The Stories We Tell Ourselves              Print,Read, Annotate : The Story of Isis and Osiris

a, What is the Secret of Ra and what happens to it?

b. What in your opinion is the greatest strength of Isis? What is the Greatest strength of Osiris? What weaknesses do the two of them display, if any?

c. Who is the hero in this story, Isis or Osiris? Maybe Horus? Set? Choose one. Explain your answer.  

d.What do you think  is the moral of the story?

e.What do you think the story of Isis and Osiris tell us about the foundational virtues of Egyptian Civilization?




 First Draft due 10/7 ....Final Draft due 10/8  #10 Position Paper


A position paper is a paper in which you state an opinion and defend it with factual material. Use class discussions, readings, and your own experience to draw a definitive conclusion. You musn't be neutral. This is not only an exercise in demonstrating your knowledge but an exercise in decision making and persuasive writing. You must support your position with historical evidence, examples, and perhaps even your own observations. The paper can be no longer than two typed-double spaced pages. Position papers will be read out loud for the entire class to hear.  Readers will be selected by random draw. All papers will be collected and given a letter grade. Persuasion Map (use this to outline your position before you write)


Question Options..Choose one 


A. Is the world Civilized?


 B. Do you agree or Disagree with Jared Diamond when he says that humans have been trapped by Agricultural Civilization? In other words...Is Progress a trap?



All homework and class discussions

The Worst Mistake in the History of the Human Race by Jared Diamond (abridged)  

In Defense of Civilization

The Venus Project

7 Best Case Scenarios

How to Save Civilization

In Defense of Bourgeoise Civilization

 Wikipedia Civilization

ReThinking Civilization

10/15 #11 How did Greek Civilization begin?  Patterns  120-126


1.Identify the following : Minoan Civilization; Mycenaean Civilization: Trojan War; The Iliad, The Odyssey; arete; agora,  

2. It has often been said that the civilizations of the ancient world influenced and in turn were influenced by each other. Explain the extent to which this is true in ancient Greece. Be specific!


  10/16 #12  Read:  Upheaval and war threatens Greek Civilization. Read: Patterns 127-133     Warring City States  and Athenian and Spartan ways of life and Life in Ancient Athens


1. helots, phalanx; Marathon, Salamis; Plataea.

2. Who was Solon? What reforms did he make? Which reform  in your opinion most benefited Athens? Why?

3. You are a reporter with Egyptian Traveler magazine. Your assignment is to write a feature article on the nature of Spartan or Athenian society. Be sure to include the "who, what, where, when, and why" (i.e. education, government, military, art, etc.) A good article should be at least four paragraphs. Be prepared to share your article in class!!


Optional: Watch: Athenian Life    and   Spartan Life



 10/23 #13. How did Plato view the World?   Great Books video: Plato's Republic (will be shown in class); Patterns 134-139   America's Top 100 Challenged Books  ;

Watch: Plato's Republic


1.      Who was Socrates? What is a Socratic Dialogue? Do you believe that the Athenian leaders were correct in how they dealt with Socrates' influence? Explain. 

2.      What is your opinion on the effectiveness of Plato’s idea that …Those who have can’t rule, those who rule can’t have. Good idea?

3.      Plato believed that education was too important to be left to parents or popular culture. Do you agree?  Why? Why not?

4.      Why does Plato believe that a philosopher-king is most fit to rule his Republic? 

5.      Parents should not know who their biological children are, and children should not know who their biological parents are. Good Idea? Why does Plato say that the youth should be raised by the State? What would this achieve?


10/28 #14 Aristotle: The Politics, excerpts on State and Government


1.     How does Aristotle define the State?

2.     According to Aristotle, what is a Citizen?

3.     List and describe the three forms of government and their perversions.

4.     What does he propose are the primary concerns/responsibilities of a government?



10/29  #15  How were women viewed in Greek society? Aristotle's view of women;  `Xenophon: On Men and Women


1. How did Greeks perceive the idea of marriage in their society? What was the role of the woman? Of the man? (See Xenophon.)

2. Summarize Aristotle's views on women.

3. Defenders of Greek society would say that Greek women were treated as they were because it was of the utmost importance to have strong families and especially strong men to continue the civilization. Are the Greeks justified in their rationale? Explain why you agree or disagree?




10/30 #16 Alexander the Great (click for detailed account of his life) Patterns 142-149




1. Identify: Alexandria; Philip II

2.What was the Hellenistic Age? How did it differ from Classical Greece?

3. What were some of the important contributions of Hellenistic thinkers in Science, mathematics, and sculpture?

4. Alexander the Great has been brought back to life. He is looking for a job as the chief executive of a new country that seeks a great leader. Because of the potential for glory and wealth associated with this job there is fierce competition for this position. (Other candidates include Hammurabi, Darius, Napoleon, and John F. Kennedy)

He has hired you to write a resume for him. Using the material and example of a resume below, write a resume that will get him the job!




Name: Alexander of Macedon)


Contact Info:



Applicable Skills:




Sample Resumes

Alexander the Great

Alexander The Great: Internet History Sourcebook (scroll down a little bit when you get to the page)



 #17 Documentary: Last Stand of the 300

Battle of Thermopylae: Last Stand of the 300



Questions: Answer while watching the documentary in Class

1. 1.What are some of the defining differences between Persians and Spartans?

    2.What is the significance of Themistocles plan for the people of Athens? Why did he lie to them? Can he be excused for this lie?

     3.Who deserves the most credit for the outcome of the Persian War Leonides or Themistocles? Explain why.

4. What do you believe is the most important lesson for people in the 21st century to learn about the history surrounding  the Persian War and the last stand of the 300?




1. What were the defining differences between the Persians and Spartans?

2. Imagine you are Xerxes' scout, sent to spy on the Greeks: what would you tell Xerxes about the behavior of the Spartans?

3. Imagine you are Leonidas: what would you do to foster morale and courage among your men?

4. Should Themistocles have been put on trial for telling a lie to the people of Athens? Why? Why not?

5. What are three lessons that can be learned from the story of this conflict to help build the future?



#18 The Persian Empire  Patterns 99-103 and  Read: On the Customs of the Persians 430BCE


1. Identify: Cyrus, Darius, Satrap

2. How did the Royal Road aid in the development and maintenance of the Persian Empire?

3. What did Zoroaster teach? How did it influence the rest of the world?

4. According to the Customs of the Persians as described by Herodotus which two do you find most positive? Which two most negative? Briefly explain your answers.

11/4  #19  Origins of Indian Civilization :  "Patterns" 44-49 and  61-68  The Indo Europeans/Vedic Hymns  (If you see html tags switch to Explorer)


1. Identify: Harrapan Civilization, Monsoon,

2. In what ways  were the cities of the Indus River Valley different from other early cities?

3. What important contributions did the Aryans make to Indian life and culture?

4.Compare the Indra of hymn I with the Indra whom we see in the second hymn. In what ways has he remained the same? Are there any important attributes ascribed to him in this second hymn that are lacking in the first hymn? If so, what are they? What inferences do you draw from them?

5. What evidence is there in hymn 3 for the emergence of what would become the Hindu caste system and how is that system explained and justified?


Take a Virtual Tour of the Ancient Indus River Valley Civilizations...



11/7#20 Origins of Indian Civilization II:  PATTERNS  61-68 and 189-192


1.Identify: moksha, untouchable, dharma, Vedas, Upanishads; Caste, Mauryan Empire,  Asoka,  Kautilya, Chandragupta, Matriarchal, Patriarchal,   .

2. Explain Brahman and its role in Hindu belief.

3. How are the ideas of reincarnation, karma, and caste related to one another?




SURF BBC Hinduism Sections:  Index; Elements of Hinduism; Practice of Hinduism; Hindu Gods 

BBC World:Religions of the World: Hinduism 

Top 5 Bollywood



11/14 #21  ARTHA: Strategies for Survival, Success and Power!  Read Asoka




1. What initial impression does the sahib have of the shoe-shine boy? How does the boy get to shine the sahib's shoes?

2. Why does the boy ask to borrow eight rupees? Why does he want eight and not five? Why won't he take ten rupees

3. Does the sahib think the boy will ever return the rupees? Why does he lend the boy eight rupees.

4. How does the sahib's impression of the boy change? Why does it change?

5. What's the significance of the boy's smile when the sahib gave him the eight rupees? Why did the sahib smile when the boy reminded him about the 25 paise

6. Why did the sahib walk away with a "pleased as Punch" smile?

7. What does the last paragraph tell us about the boy? Were you surprised?


TO BE COLLECTED IN CLASS! Do Not Type. Write on a lined loose leaf piece of paper.


 11/18 #22  Pain and Suffering? How do you spell relief? "B-U-D-D-H-A"   "Patterns"  66-71   The First Sermon of the Buddha/The Buddha's Idea of Righteousness;



Write out on a lined loose leaf piece of paper. Do Not Type. It will be collected in class.


1. Identify: Siddharta Gautama, Jainism, Nirvana

2. What is enlightenment? Explain what Buddhists believe is the path to enlightenment

3. How did Buddhism spread within India and then to China? Who is considered most responsible for the spread of Buddhism?

4. What are the Four Noble Truths? How does the Eight fold path relate to them?


Optional:  Introduction to Buddhism

Marines Meditation Training


Film Study: Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter and Spring Questions distributed in class.


 11/26 #23 The origins of Chinese Culture "Patterns" 50-55  and 104-109 


1. Identify: Feudalism, The Great Silk Road;   Filial Piety; The Analects

2. Explain in words or by drawing how the dynastic cycle in Ancient China worked.

3. How is the Dynastic cycle connected to the Mandate of Heaven

4. How did Shih Huang-ti reach his goals as a ruler? What were his most important achievements?

5. What is Confucius's concept of how the ideal state should be organized?

6.. Choose a quote from Confucius that you would give to the President of the United States. Explain why you chose the quote.


 #24 Legalism and Taoism. Which Way? "Patterns 106-107" Taoism: The Way That Is and Is Not :      Legalism: The Way of the State


1. How does one define The Way in Taoism?

2. How would a wise ruler who is in harmony with The Way govern?

3. What are the two handles? How might a ruler use them to control people?

4. When posed the question; What is the purpose of good government, how would a legalist respond? How would a Taoist respond?

See the entire text (not very long)

The Tao Te Ching




The Way (From the Tao Te Ching)


The world that can be constructed is not real.

The Way manifests all that happens and may happen;

The world represents all that exists and may exist.

To experience without abstraction is to sense the world;

To experience with abstraction is to know the world.

These two experiences are indistinguishable;

Their construction differs but their effect is the same.

Beyond the gate of experience flows the Way,

Which is ever greater and more subtle than the world.

12/5 #25. How Rome Began: Read: Romulus and Remus   

1. Outline, Diagram, or Draw the Founding Story of Rome. Be sure to include Numitor, Aurelius, Rhea Silvia, Mars, Lupa, Romulus and Remus in your depiction.


12/6 #26  How did Rome form a Republic? "Patterns" 155-159 and read  The Story of Cincinnatus 


1. Identify: Republic; Patricians, Plebeians, Twelve Tables, Triumvirate; Gravitas; Pax Romana

2. Who was Cincinnatus? In your analysis what did he contribute to Roman politics and virtue?

3. Draw a chart, diagram or picture showing how the Roman Republic organized its government.


12/10 #27 Rome gains control over the Mediterranean, Expands and Changes "Patterns 160-165  Read: The Punic Wars


1. Describe  the problems faced by Roman leadership as the Republic grew and territory expanded during the Punic Wars.

2. What did the Gracchus brothers (Tiberius and Gaius) do? Why do you think they failed?

3. Explain the expression "Cross the Rubicon". How did Julius Caesar come to power? Who opposed him? What reforms did he make?

4. What measures did the government take to distract and control the people of Rome?


Optional :


Documentary:Carthage Engineering an Empire(The Punic Wars)

More Info:  The Punic Wars


12/18 #28  How did Christianity develop during the Roman Empire? "Patterns" 168-172   The Nicene Creed , Sermon on the Mount (Chpts. 1;16;19), 

1. Identify: apostle, bishop, pope, Constantine, heresy, Peter

2. Using the Nicene Creed and the Sermon on the Mount, make a list of at least five of the principles of Christianity.

3. Why do you think Christianity eventually won out over other religions and Roman persecutions?



 1/3 #29 How did the Roman Empire Collapse? "Patterns" 173-176 and Parallels Between Rome and the U.S.

1. How did the reforms of  Diocletion postpone the collapse of the Roman Empire for about two centuries?

2. How did each of the following contribute to the crumbling of Roman Empirical control:  

a. Inflation     b Loss of Trust     b. Political Uncertainty

3. Why did Germans cross the borders of the Roman empire?


 #30 Position Paper #2


1/7 Two Page maximum, double spaced and typed. Be prepared to read and defend in front of the class. Use what we have studied in class and your own outside research to form your position. This essay will be your exam grade for the Rome Unit.


Agree or Disagree with the statement:     " Rome never fell."




"Was Julius Caesar a Loser?"


Technical Assistance: Persuasion Map  


Mankind Roman Empire