Freshmen Homework: Spring 2024
Project and Presentations Commence
Comparative Civilization Project: NEWSCASTS FROM THE PAST
#1 Origins of Japan.... Religion: Shinto and Zen: How was early Japanese society organized? "PAT" 339-343: Izanagi and Izanami: The Creators of Japan, Shinto and Buddhism in Japan;,
1. Identify: Code of Bushido; Seppuku; Shogun; Daimyo; Samurai; Toyotomi Hideyoshi
2. In Shintoism what is the relationship of humans to the divine? How are humans viewed in Shintoism (i.e. good, evil, important, useless....)?
3. Using at least three examples, explain the origins of Japanese culture.
4. What are the methods and goal of Zen Buddhism? Zen
#2 The Art and Poetry of Japan: The Virtual Museum of Japanese Arts : Google
If you Volunteered for "You be the expert" come to class prepared with a review of your field. Include a description of the art and how Shinto and/or Zen Buddhism play a role in the practice of the art. Be prepared to present and answer questions about your assigned field.
Study: Akira Kurosawa Rashomon
Questions to be Distributed in Class
4. How did the T'ang and Song Dynasties contribute to the development of China? Read PAT 323-329 and Life in the Tang Dynasty, Chinese Poems , 300 Chinese Poems
1.Identify: Tang Taizhong; Wu Zhao; gentry
2. Explain the changes that took place politically, economically and militarily between the T'ang and Song Dynasties.
3. Explain three important inventions of the Chinese? Which would most improve the quality of life? Which would be most profitable?gers Echo Scene
4. Choose a poem, read it, print it out and bring it to class.
5. What virtue is the poem trying to convey....Beauty, Loyalty, Honor, Intelligence .....something else?
Fun Factor: Signs of the Chinese ZodiacWelcomes Youf Flying
#5 Mongols: Devil's Horsemen or Enlightened Nomads? Read Women of the Mongol Court, The Mongols "PAT" 330-338
1. Identify: Kublai Khan; Yuan Dynasty
2. Explain two reasons why Ghengis Khan was able to conquer and create such a vast empire.
3. In your assessment, to what extent can Mongol success be contributed to women?
4. Should History judge Ghengis Khan by his words, "The greatest joy a man can know is to conquer his enemies and drive them before him. To ride their horses and take away their possessions. To see the faces of those who were dear to them bedewed with tears, and to clasp their wives and daughters in his arms" .....OR….. by the world that the Mongols left behind after their demise? (see THE MONGOLS)
Optional Reads:
the Asian Steppe was Won"
Mongol Horror Stories (Believe it or Not)
#6 The Ming replace the Mongols. Read "PAT" 536-538; The Voyages of Cheng Ho (Zheng He) and Did China Discover the America's
1.Identify: Forbidden City, Yonglo
2. How did the Ming come to power?
3. Who was Zheng He? What did he accomplish?
4. What was the greatest accomplishment of the Ming? Greatest failure? Explain why you chose these.
Surf: Orbiting Space Colonies
#7 Position Paper
Were the Mongols Terrorists?
1. Define Terrorism in your own terms.
2. Consider who the Mongols were, their methods, their policies, and their legacy when answering.
3. Include specific evidence...names, dates, statistics, etc when making your case.
4. Upload a copy to your Google classroom.
Optional Reads:
the Asian Steppe was Won"
Mongol Horror Stories (Believe
it or not!)
#8 Charlemagne and the Carolingians "PAT" 352-357 Einhard; Charles the Great
1. Identify: Charles Martel; Pepin the Short; Carolingians; Treaty of Verdun: Pope Gregory I
2. What are the three roots of medieval culture?
3. What characteristics do you think made Charlemagne a good ruler? What was his greatest achievement?
4.. From what you have read what is the relationship between the Church and the ruling Frankish Kings? Do they help each other? Hurt each other? Was there separation between Church and State or cooperation?
#9 How was Medieval Society Arranged "PAT" 358-363 and "PAT" 370-373
Identify: Clergy, Sacrament, Canon Law, Holy Roman Empire, Lay Investiture, Concordat of Worms; feudalism, fief, vassal, tithe
1. What were the major points of conflict between Pope Gregory VII and King Henry IV?
2. Who do you believe was better equipped to establish order in Medieval Europe...Popes or Kings? Explain.
3. What benefits were derived from the manor system? Why were these important in the Middle ages?
4. List the demands that lords made of vassals. (wartime and peacetime).
#10 What effect did the Crusades have on life in the Middle Ages??
Read "PAT" 379-385, Pope Urban II Speech at Clermont 1095
1.Identify: simony, urban II, Saladin, Richard the Lionhearted, Reconquista, Inquistion
2. What were the goals of the Crusades? Which of these were achieved?
3. Identify three problems that the Catholic Church struggled with.
#11 1350-1450: A century of Turmoil:
"PAT" 398-403; Bubonic Plague ; Plague Descriptions and Remedies and
Norman Conquest and
Conquest II
Identify: Babylonian Captivity; Papal Bull; Henry V; Joan of Arc
2. How did the Great Schism begin? How did it change the politics of Europe and the Church? What was the outcome?
3. What was the Magna Carta? Why do we assign such a great degree of importance to this document.
4. What was the Bubonic Plague? How did
it spread? How did it change the way Europeans saw the world?
How did the Hundred Years War change Europe? Who was the winner?
#12 FILM STUDY: Faith vs. Reason at the end of the Middle Ages "The Name of the Rose"
This movie was based on the book "The Name of the Rose" by Umberto Eco. It is set in a Monastery in the 1300's in an isolated part of the Italian Alps. There are several themes and historical events that are addressed in the movie; Monasticism, Heresy, Inquisition, Scholasticism, Faith, Reason, etc. As we watch the movie please answer the following questions.
1. Identify and Explain the role of the following characters:
a. Adso of Melk
b. William of Baskerville
c. Jorgi
d. Bernardo Gui
2. Explain and give 3 examples for how each of the following are addressed in the movie.
a. Superstition
b. Heresy
c. Censorship
3. Umberto Eco, the author of the book on which this movie is based is a man of letters and a respected professor at the University of Bologna. He has written many books on philosophy and is considered to be one of the foremost thinkers of our time.
a. Why do you think the author chose to use a labyrinth as the setting for the movie?
b. Why was Jorgi so opposed to laughter?
c. Why do you think the author made Jorgi Blind?
d. Why was Jorgi so set on keeping the library and the books in it a secret?
e. Which do you think is the big winner in the film; Faith or Reason? Explain why you think so with an example from the film.
4. Now the BIG QUESTION; At the end of the movie does Adso make the right decision? What would you have done?
#13 How did the Protestant Reformation begin in Europe? "PAT" 488-500
Identify: Indulgence; Protestant; Diet of Worms; Peace of Augsburg, predestination;
theocracy; Ann Boleyn;
What were the most pressing criticisms of the Catholic Church? Explain the
three things that Martin Luther thought would fix them.
3. Explain the process and reasons by which Henry
VIII changed the Church in England.
4. What is Calvinism? How does it differ from Lutheranism?here is no escalator to the tenth floor" Affirmative Statement: An escalator to the tenth floor is needed for more efficient flow of student traf
5. Explain the formation and role of the Jesuit
6. At the Council of Trent the Catholic Church responded to Protestant challenges. In what ways did they respond? In your assessment was this the right course of action for the Catholic Church to follow in order to survive?
#14 The Commercial Revolution
2. In what ways did the rise of towns effect the
Feudal System?
3. What effect did Guilds have on the business
practices of Medieval town
6. Watch:
#17 Niccolo Machiavelli: Read: Machiavelli Excerpts #1 and #2
1. What does Machiavelli state regarding princes and the art of war?
2. What does Machiavelli discuss regarding whether it is better to be feared than loved?
3. What does Machiavelli state as ways for a prince to gain fame and public approval?
1 According to Machiavelli, what are two ways of contending? Which is proper to men and which is proper to animals?
2 Why should a prince be both a lion and a fox?
3 What does Machiavelli describe of the nature of men? Why should princes not keep faith with them?
4. What does Machiavelli have to say about Faith? Should men have Faith? If not what should replace it?
FYI Optional Reading: The Prince (Full Text of the Original Work)
Great Books: The Prince
Watch: Nicollo Machiavelli and Machiavelli's Advice for Nice Guys
#18 Position Paper
Answer one of the following Questions.
Two page Maximum, double spaced and typed. Use this Persuasion Map to help organize your
Is it more effective for a ruler to be feared or loved?
Does the End justify the Means?
Consider historical as well
as contemporary examples of leadership and Machiavelli's Philosophy of ruling.
FYI Optional Reading: The Prince (Full Text of the Original Work)
Incas, Maya, and Aztecs oh my! Read PAT 446-463
Identify: Tikal, codex, popol vuh, Quetzcoatl, Montezuma II, Pachacuti, ayllu,
2. What was the foundation upon which Mayan
civilization was built? What three explanations have been given for its
3. Why was Tenochtitlan unique from any other city in
the world at that time?
4. If you were to be transferred to one of these civilizations, which would you choose. In one paragraph explain the reasons for your choice.
#19 The
Europeans Emerge....Colonialism, sugar, and slaves PAT 529-535 and
Identify: Treaty of Tordesillas, Dutch East India Company; Vasco de Gama,
Middle passage, capitalism, mercantilism, Columbian Exchange
2. How was slavery in the Americas different than slavery in Africa?
What was the most significant effect of the Columbian Exchange on our world
4. How do you think this New Age of Exploration will be different from the European Age of Exploration?
When Sugar Ruled the World: Caribbean Slavery
#20 FILM The Mission
A visually
stunning epic, THE MISSION recounts the true story of two men--a man of the
sword (Robert De Niro) and a man of the cloth (Jeremy Irons)--both Jesuit
missionaries who defied the colonial forces of mighty Spain and Portugal to
save an Indian tribe from slavery in mid-18th-century South America. Mendoza
(De Niro) is a slave trader and colonial imperialist who murdered his own
brother (Aidan Quinn) and seeks penance for his sins by becoming a missionary
at Father Gabriel's (Irons) mountaintop mission; Gabriel is a devout and
idealistic man who extols nonviolence and peaceful interaction with the natives
and colonialists. Despite their differences, the two men must unite to save the
mission when Spain, Portugal, and the Catholic church begin negotiating their
boundaries in the area--negotiations that will affect both the freedom of the
natives and the well-being of the Jesuit missionaries who have set up safe
havens for them. Director Roland Joffe's sweeping masterpiece is a haunting
account of the treatment of the Guarani Indians of South America and the men
who fought desperately, in very different ways, to save them.
Answer the Questions:
Jesuit Priests were highly educated and able to go places where no other
"Old Worlders" had been before. What evidence do we see of this
schooling and endurance in the movie?
Describe what life is like amongst the Guarani Indians above the falls. How
does it compare to the lifestyle of the Europeans below the falls? Which
lifestyle would you prefer? Why?
3. As the story unfolds we see the
true nature of two different men (Father Gabriel and Rodrigo). Which of
them do you believe is the most honorable?
In the "Name of the Rose" we discussed the conflict between faith and
reason. In this movie emerges a conflict between faith and greed. In your
assessment, which wins out? Why?
5. At the end of the film there is an exchange
between his Eminency Lord Altamirano and Hontar, the Portuguese representative:
Hontar: We must work in the world, your
eminence. The world is thus.
Altamirano: No, Seńor Hontar. Thus have we
made the world... thus have I made it.
What is the significance of this quote? What does it say about humanity and our role in determining the future? With whom do you agree?
#21 India and the Mughals PAT
516-521 Read: The Lady and Her Five
Identify: Babur, Akbar, Sikh, Shah Jahan, Taj Mahal, Aurangzeb
2. Describe the role of the Delhi Sultanate in Indian
History? If you were a Hindu what do you think your attitude towards the
Sultans would have been?
3. In your opinion, who held the most effective
policies regarding relations between Hindus and Muslims: Akbar, Auranzeb, or
Shah Jahan. Explain why you chose who you chose.
4. In your own interpretation, in one sentence, what
do you believe is the moral of the story?
5. Comment briefly on the attitude that the story takes towards men? Are you surprised by this? Why might literature that is from a supposedly male dominated culture contain references such as this about men?
#22 Ottoman Empire PAT 507-511, The Ottomans,
Identify: Janissary; Devshirme; ghazi
Explain how the Ottoman government was organized.
Briefly explain how each of the following contributed to the Ottoman empire and
rank them in order of importance: Osman; Timur the Lame (Tamerlane); Mehmet II;
#23 Absolutism PAT 589-611
Identify: Phillip II, Edict of Nantes, Cardinal Richlieu, Louis XIV;
What role did Divine Right play in the Age of Absolutism?
3. What was the major conflict of the Thirty Years
4. How did Peter the Great change Russia? What obstacles did he face? Do you think he was wise in his policies?
#24 The English Civil
War: The Limits of Absolutism PAT 614-617
Identify: Petition of Right; Habeas Corpus, William and Mary
What did Oliver Cromwell do for England? Should he be considered a hero?
3. What is so Glorious about the
Glorious Revolution?
In your estimation, what was the greatest lasting effect of the English Civil
5. What is the difference
between a constitutional monarchy and an absolute monarchy?
Empire PAT 507-511, The Ottomans,
Identify: Janissary; Devshirme; ghazi
Explain how the Ottoman government was organized.
Briefly explain how each of the following contributed to the Ottoman empire and
rank them in order of importance: Osman; Timur the Lame (Tamerlane); Mehmet II;
-matching review quiz! This is the mother of all matching quizzes!!!! Review all homework and class notes from
Spring semester.
Akbar Axum/Kush Aztec Charles V Charlemagne Chivalry Clergy Copernicus Cromwell’s Commonwealth Daimyo Delhi Sultanate Descartes Encomienda English Civil War Ferdinand and Isabella Galileo Ghana
Ghengis Khan Glorious Revolution Guild Hanseatic League Hat Act of 1732 Henry VIII Hernando Cortes Inca Inquisition Joan of Arc Johann Tetzel John Calvin Kepler Khmer Kublai Khan Louis XIV Magna Carta Mali
Martin Luther Maya Mercantilism Ming Mound Builders Niccolo Machiavelli Peter the Great Pizzaro Prince Henry the Navigator Rajput Shogun Restoration Suleiman Tamerlane Tang Theocracy Tokugawa Shogunate Vasco da Gama Vernacular Zheng He (Cheng He)
Final :
Express in any manner that you wish how one of the
following quotes is related to the Statement "History is a Tool we use to
Build the Future"
is History's Biggest Loser" "I am Greek" "The
World is Thus" "Thus
Have We Made The World" "Experience Does Not Ever Err...." "Surplus is the Key" "Without Zero we don't have nothing"
"Romans are Badass" "Silly Ming Don't Burn Your Fleets "I love Burghers" "It is the Preservation of Knowledge, not the search for Knowledge, for all knowledge is simply a Divine recapitulation"
"I am Not Attached to the Buddha"
"Rice is Pointless"
"I owe my Existence to Surplus"
"Ride the Mouse"
" WormFlower"
"The State is not the Government"
"The Way is Wu Wei"
"I Love Peasants"
#42 Elizabethan England "POP"420-425
1. Identify: Act of Uniformity; Act
of Supremacy
2. Briefly explain how Elizabeth I became the Queen of
3. What were the challenges she faced after becoming Queen?
Film: Joan of Arc:
film was originally aired as a miniseries on CBS. It was nominated for 13 emmy
awards (a record for a miniseries). Although not 100% accurate it is a decent
account of the story. Joan of Arc led the armies of France to victory over the
Burgundians and English at the age of 16. By the age of 19 she was accused of
heresy and burnt at the stake.
Explain the meaning and significance of the following Quotes:
"Never underestimate the power of a myth my friend." (Prince Philip
of Burgundy )
"What do you call a baker who slices up his cake while it is still in the
oven?" (Joan of Arc)
"So long as our lord is first served" (Joan of Arc)
Explain the "Maid of Lorraine Tactic" that Charles refers to. Why is
he at first reluctant to use it? What changes his mind? Do you believe that
Joan is the Maid of Lorraine? Why? Why not? Describe another historical example
of nationalism that builds around a heroine or hero.
Would you say that this film shows a weakening or strengthening of the feudal
system? A weakening or strengthening of the Catholic Church? Give example to
support your view.
The kingdoms of Eastern Africa and Western Africa Read PAT 406-430 What is it?
Identify: Ghana, Mali, Songhai Nok; Kush; Axum; Sundiata; Ibn Battuta
What were the most important accomplishments of Mansa Musa?
3. In your opinion is the lineage system an effective
way to uphold the values of society? What is the difference between patrilineal
and matrilineal societies?
4. How is swahili an example of cultural interaction? If a
Review for Quiz:
China, Mongols, Japan:
You may use your homework and or class notes to complete in class.
Bushido Shinto Buddhism Koan Confucian Shogun Daimyo Seppuku Ronin Samurai Kamikaze Tang Dynasty Chinggis Khan Kublai Khan |
Zen Zazen Tokugawa Tokyo Yuan Dynasty Cheng He (Zheng He) Song Dynasty Foot-binding Torii |
Izanagi and Izanami Amaterasu Ikebana Ukiyo-e Gentry
Bloody Sidewalks (Gloria Lee 2019)
#12 Southeast Asia and Korea PAT 344-347
1. Identify: Khmer
Empire, Angor Wat, Koryo Dynasty
2. How did the cultural development
of Vietnam resemble that of Korea?
3. Describe the geography of
Southeast Asia and describe the geography of Korea.
Southeast Asia and Oceana MAP (click link for
outline map) : Label the map with the following; Vietnam, Thailand, Laos,
Phillippines, Australia, Bangladesh, Brunei, Malaysia, Myanmar, New
Zealand Korea, Japan, China, Sumatra, Borneo, Java, Celebes, Strait of
Korea Vid Clips
10 Crazy Facts (N. Korea)
Physical Map of Europe Link to Map
1. Shade in Blue and Label: Mediterranean Sea; Black Sea, Caspian Sea; North Sea; Baltic Sea; Bay of Biscay, Gulf of Bothnia, White Sea; Adriatic Sea; Norwegian Sea; Celtic Sea Atlantic Ocean; Azov Sea; English Channel; Strait of Gibralter
2. Label with mountain peaks the following regions: Alps, Carpathians, Pyrenees, Caucasus
3. Shade in Green: North European Plain, Iberian Peninsula, Balkan Peninsula, Plain of France, British Isles
4. Label and Trace in Blue the following Rivers: Loire , Danube, Rhine, Volga, Tagus, Elbe, Seine; Don; Dnieper
River; Rio Grande; Orinico; Mississippi
Sea; Pacific Ocean; Gulf of Mexico; Atlantic Ocean
Sierra Madre; Rocky Mountains
Hispaniola, Galapagos; Falklands
City; Buenos Aries; Puerto Rico; Rio de Janiero; Santiago; Miami; New Orleans;
Havana; Caracas
of Mexico; Yucatan Peninsula; Tierra Del Fuego; Straits of Magellan
Optional: Geography of the America's: Read PAT 553-560
#4 How does innovation change Civilization? Consumer Technology (scroll over "topics" to start your search)
Choose a category below:
Smart Home/Internet of Things
Energy/Alternative Fuels
Bio Technology/Implantables
Health Tech
Artificial Intelligence
1. Describe the technology and what it can be used for.
2. Is it available now? If not when can we expect to see it.
3. How do you predict it will change the way people live.
4. What are the positive effects it could have? What are the negative effects it might have?
5. Be prepared to share your finding with the class. You may want to include a few pictures or a short vid clip to help the class understand your technology
Historical Fiction: The genre of literature, film, etc., comprising narratives that take place in the past and are characterized chiefly by an imaginative reconstruction of historical events and personages.
The year is 650 CE. You are living in a
small town outside of Damascus. You've been caught in the middle of a battle
between Byzantine forces and Islamic Liberators. Your town has been burned and
you have nothing left. You must journey to a new land on your own. Explain
where you will travel to make your fortune. Will you go North-West to Europe,
Southwest to North Africa? East to Persia, to India, to China? Tell your story.
this map.
Shade all major bodies of water in blue...label them
Color, draw, and label the physical geographic obstacles you will face
along the way to your Chosen Land. Highlight the route you will decide to take.
Describe the modes of travel you will use to reach your Chosen Land. Be
historically accurate.(3 or 4 sentences)
Speculate on the way in which you will make your fortune in your new land.
Which opportunities in your Chosen Land are most likely to bring you the
fortune you seek. Be historically accurate for your region. (one paragraph)
(PAT) Patterns of
Interaction Chapters 12-19
Internet History Sourcebook (Fordham University)
World History outlines and Flowcharts